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Bewerben Sie sich um eine Position im Rahmen des MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships

MSCA 2024 Hosting-Angebote an EUniWell Partneruniversitäten

An einigen der EUniWell Partnerinstitutionen suchen derzeit leitende Forschende der Partneruniversitäten Promovierte, die ihre Forschung im Ausland weiterführen möchten und gemeinsam einen MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship-Antrag erstellen möchten. Die Fristen zur Rückmeldung zu den unterschiedlichen Forschungsprojekten sind an den Partneruniversitäten unterschiedlich, liegen i.d.R. aber zeitnah im Juni.

Weitere Informationen – auch zu den konkreten Kriterien – finden Sie auf der Website: EUniWell’s initiative for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 call


MSCA 2024 Hosting-Angebote an der Universität zu Köln oder dem Universitätsklinikum Köln

Bewerben Sie sich gemeinsam mit einem Supervisor um ein MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA PF 2024). Folgende Supervisor der Universität zu Köln bieten eine Kooperation an. Die angebotenen Themenbereiche stehen alle im Kontext der thematischen Schwerpunkte der European University for Well-Being (EUniWell). Die Beschreibungen der Institute und Forschungseinrichtungen finden Sie auf Englisch.

Bitte kontaktieren Sie bei Interesse direkt die jeweiligen Ansprechpersonen und bewerben sich mit den geforderten Dokumenten bei den aufgelisteten Kontakten. Sollten Sie eine Zusage seitens der Supervisor erhalten, reichen Sie gemeinsam bis zum 11. September 2024 einen Projektantrag für das MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship ein. 

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Bewerberinnen und Bewerber die Zulassungskriterien des Calls für den MSCA PF 2024 erfüllen müssen (sie müssen zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbungsfrist einen Doktortitel besitzen; sie dürfen höchstens acht Jahre Erfahrung in der Forschung haben und sollten die Mobilitätsregel des MSCA PF erfüllen, die im Abschnitt 2.3.2. „Recruited Researchers“, S. 121/142 des Arbeitsprogramms MSCA 2023-2024 zu finden sind).

Weitere Informationen zum Fellowship: MSCA PF Factsheet | Call by European Commission | EUniWell Matchmaking process 

Kontakt zur Beratung und Informationen zu MSCA Anträgen seitens Dezernat 7 - Forschungsmanagement (74.beratung[at]verw.uni-koeln.de) und in der Medizinischen Fakultät

MSCA 2024 Hosting Angebote


EUniWell Thematic Arena: Health and Well-Being
Euraxess Research Area: Life Sciences

Cologne Excellence Cluster on Aging and Aging-Associated Diseases (CECAD) - Vilchez Lab

Prof. Dr. David Vilchez

We are a team of enthusiastic scientists that seek to understand how protein homeostasis (proteostasis), metabolic changes and intertissue communication influence stem cell function, organismal aging, and the onset of age-related neurodegenerative diseases to uncover mechanisms of regeneration and healthspan extension. To address this ambitious task, we use an innovative approach that combines state-of-the-art proteomics, human stem cell research, iPSC-disease modelling and genetics in the model organism C. elegans. 

Application documents: Motivation letter, CV
Application deadline: 31 July 2024
Link to Euraxess website


EUniWell Thematic Arena: Health and Well-Being
Euraxess Research Area: Life Sciences

Cologne Excellence Cluster on Aging and Aging-Associated Diseases (CECAD) - Institut für Systemphysiologe - Valtcheva Lab

Dr. Silvana Valtcheva

Our lab investigates the neural circuits and plasticity mechanisms shaping sensory perception and hormonal release in the postpartum brain. We are specifically interested in the neural processing of cues from the newborn which gate maternal behavior, and are deregulated in postpartum stress.We use multiple state-of-the-art approaches in mice including in vivo and in vitro electrophysiology, Ca imaging, behavior tracking, viral tracing, opto-/chemogenetics, molecular and pharmacology tools and newly-developed neurotransmitter sensors.

Application documents: CV with full publication list, personal statement describing previous work and accomplishments togehter with research interests (max. one page), contact information for 3 referees 
Application deadline: 30 June 2024
Link to Euraxess website


EUniWell Thematic Arena: Culture, Multilingualism and Well-Being
Euraxess Research Area: Social Sciences and Humanities

Institut für Sprachen und Kulturen der islamisch geprägten Welt

Prof. Dr. Béatrice Hendrich

The PhD candidate should work on a Turkey-related topic from a cultural studies perspective. Work on the gender history of Turkey, modern narrative literature, the religious landscape, and the topic of "Turks and Muslims in Cyprus" is particularly welcome. Of particular interest are works that can be linked to research on women in armed conflict in Turkey (for further details see https://nfg024.uni-koeln.de/); works on so-called minority authors and gender issues in literature; studies related to memory and heritage, as well as the political and social relevance of the institution of the "midwife". Other topics are possible as long as they deal innovatively with relevant topics of society and the history of the Republic of Turkey (as well as the late Ottoman Empire) from a (historical) cultural studies, pluralistic and critical perspective.

Application documents: CV, short exposé, sample writing
Application deadline: 30 July 2024
Link to Euraxess website


EUniWell Thematic Arena: Health and Well-Being
Euraxess Research Area: Social Sciences and Humanities + Life Sciences

Department für Biologische Psychologie

Prof. Dr. Jan Peters

The Biological Psychology group at the University of Cologne (head: Prof. Dr. Jan Peters) studies learning and decision-making, with a long track record of studying gambling from a computational cognitive neuroscience perspective. We offer to host individuals interested in studying links between mental health, gambling and gambling-related beliefs using computational or digital behavioral approaches. 

Application documents: Motivation letter, CV
Application deadline: 15 July 2024
Link to Euraxess website


EUniWell Thematic Arena: Health and Well-Being + Environmental Change and Well-Being
Euraxess Research Area: Social Sciences and Humanities + Economic Sciences + Information Science and Engineering + Other: Information Systems

Institut für Informationssysteme / Cologne Institute for Information Systems (CIIS)

Prof. Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz

The Cologne Institute for Information Systems (CIIS) is part of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (“WISO”) of the University of Cologne. The focus of our research, our teaching, and our transfer is on artificial intelligence, data-based business models, data science and business analytics, social (media) network analysis and network sciences, digital business start-ups, mobility and sustainability, energy economics and politics, business process management, digital transformation, and digital innovation, information systems engineering, and IT and IS project management.

Application documents: Motivation letter, CV including publication list, research proposal for stay at CIIS incl. intended collaborations with faculty of one or more research groups (see https://ciis.uni-koeln.de/en/team)
Application deadline: 31 July 2024
Link to Euraxess website


EUniWell Thematic Arena: Health and Well-Being
Euraxess Research Area: Information Science and Engineering + Life Sciences

Institut für Informationssysteme / Cologne Institute for Information Systems (CIIS) - Department Information Systems and Information Management

Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder

The Cologne Institute for Information Systems (CIIS) is part of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (“WISO”) of the University of Cologne. In the current Research Ranking of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), the CIIS is ranked first in Germany, in Europe ranked fourth and 38th internationally, placing the institute in the group of the top fifty research institutions in the field of information systems worldwide.

As a host for a Postdoctoral Fellow regarding EUniWell matchmaking activity for MSCA PF 2024, my department (Information Systems and Information Management) seeks applicants in the research field of Protein-Protein-Interaction. This research is at the crossroads of Information Systems and Bio Tech. We apply latest Transformer architectures, LLM, DNNs etc. for forecasting the binding quality of given proteins. We also extend our research into drug design and drug engineering. We do this from an AI/ML perspective and have good ties to bio labs and researchers covering the bio-medical side of the research. We seek accordingly open-minded applicants which want to pursue world-class research in an interdisciplinary team. Your profile should be heavily grounded in ML-approaches, esp. Generative AI. Some insight into Bio Informatics is a plus.

Application documents: CV, publication list, skill set in AI/ML
Application deadline: 31 July 2024
Link to Euraxess website


EUniWell Thematic Arena: Teacher Education and Well-Being
Euraxess Research Area: Other: Digital and Science Education

Didaktiken der Mathematik und der Naturwissenschaften, Digitale Bildung mit Schwerpunkt Künstliche Intelligenz

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Becker-Genschow

Research topic: Development of AI-related skills in (prospective) teachers. 

The research focus of the Digital Education working group with a focus on artificial intelligence at the University of Cologne is the support of teaching-learning processes through AI-based technologies in schools and universities as well as the digitization-related professional development of teachers. In particular, the question of how AI-related skills can be developed and promoted in (prospective) teachers is being investigated. To this aim, corresponding teaching modules are to be developed and evaluated, which can be integrated into teacher training at differing universities in different countries. The focus is on the subject disciplines of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. Researchers are offered excellent scientific development opportunities in a dynamically growing, innovative working group in a diverse and equal-opportunity working environment. 

Application documents: Motivation letter, CV, final certificates
Application deadline: 31 July 2024
Link to Euraxess website


EUniWell Thematic Arena: Health and Well-Being
Euraxess Research Area: Economic Science

Seminar für ABWL und Management im Gesundheitswesen - Behavioral Health Economics

Prof. Dr. Daniel Wiesen

The Department of Business Administration and Health Care Management at the University of Cologne focuses in its research activities on the understanding of health-related behaviors from a managerial perspective. Beyond the Department the Postdoctoral fellow would also have the opportunity to engage in research activities of C-SEB. Applicants hold ideally a PhD in (Health) Economics, Management or a related field. 

Application documents: Motivation Letter, CV, reference letters (e.g., by supervisors), transcripts of record
Application deadline: 31 July 2024
Link to Euraxess website


EUniWell Thematic Arena: Environmental Change and Well-Being
Euraxess Research Area: Environmental Sciences + Life Sciences

Institut für Genetik, Department für Biologie - AG Wiehe

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wiehe

Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Evolutionary Biology/Theory of Evolution: Global warming, climate change and unpredictable environmental conditions pose severe challenges to survival and reproductive success of individuals, populations and species. The prospective researcher will investigate the evolutionary role of so-called bet-hedging strategies in which organisms seek to maximize their fitness by parsimonious and sustainable allocation of resources. A prominent example is temporally distributed germination of the seeds of some plant species. In particular, we seek to better understand the genetic basis and the evolution of bethedging by analyzing the genomes of some insect and plant species living in extreme or irregularly changing environments. Genome analysis will be complemented by computer simulations of evolutionary and population genetic models and be embedded in the context of our projects pursued in the Collaborative Research Centers CRC-1211 (see https://sfb1211.uni-koeln.de/, B6 and B7) and TRR-341 (see https://trr341.uni-koeln.de/, B5). The ideal candidate has a solid background in evolutionary biology and strong quantitative and/or programming skills. Applications by qualified postdocs are invited until 31 July 2024. 

Application documents: Resume, including a statement of research interests and academic transcripts, as a single PDF file
Application deadline: 31 July 2024
Link to Euraxess website


EUniWell Thematic Arena: Health and Well-Being + Social Equality and Well-Being
Euraxess Research Area: Social Sciences and Humanities + Life Sciences

Medizinische Psychologie - Neuropsychologie & Gender Studies - Medizinische Fakultät und Universitätsklinikum Köln

Prof. Dr. Elke Kalbe


The main research focus of our department lies on cognitive, affective and motor changes in healthy ageing and neurodegenerative diseases (i.e., Alzheimer´s disease and Parkinson´s disease), as well as the analysis of underlying neuropsychological and neurobiological processes. We develop and evaluate cognitive and physical interventions to prevent or treat cognitive and motor decline. We also seek to understand mechanisms of neuroplasticity induced by these interventions by the use of various methods including brain imaging. Further research is, among others, conducted with regard to LGBTIQ health and health literacy in people with a migration background.

We conduct clinical trials using quantitative data, but also mixed-methods and purely qualitative analyses approaches. Further, we perform systematic reviews and meta-analysis following Cochrane standards.
We have a vivid interdisciplinary team with people from various disciplines including psychology, cognitive neuroscience, gerontology, physiotherapy, sports sciences.

Application documents: Motivation letter including first EUniWell-research project ideas matching the chosen EUniWell Thematic Arenas and the research field of the department, CV, relevant certificates
Application Deadline: 15 August 2024
Link to Euraxess website


EUniWell Thematic Arena: Health and Well-Being
Euraxess Research Area: Life Sciences

Department für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie

Prof. Dr. med. Dipl. Psych. Joseph Kambeitz

Our research group focuses on the prediction and prevention of mental health issues, particularly psychotic and affective disorders. Our mission is to identify the psychological, biological, and environmental processes that contribute to the development of mental health problems or foster resilience. To achieve this, we employ state-of-the-art methods such as artificial intelligence for precision medicine, computational modeling, large-language models, network analysis, and the development of digital twins.

We utilize diverse data modalities, including neuroimaging, language and speech analysis, digital biomarkers, and neurocognitive assessments, to thoroughly characterize mental disorders. Our ultimate goal is to develop tools that enhance clinical decision-making, enabling clinicians to provide personalized interventions and support individuals in maintaining mental well-being.

Our team comprises highly motivated, dedicated, and talented international scientists with backgrounds in medicine, psychology, neuroscience, and computer science. We foster a highly interactive and dynamic atmosphere that promotes rapid learning and development, ensuring that each member can contribute to and grow within the group.

Through our innovative approaches, we aim to advance mental health care and empower clinicians with cutting-edge tools to deliver the best possible care to their patients.

Application documents: Motivation letter including experience in previous research projects, CV, relevant certificates/transcripts
Application Deadline: 15 August 2024
Link to Euraxess website


EUniWell Thematic Arena: Health and Well-Being
Euraxess Research Area: Chemistry, Physics

Department für Chemistry

Prof. Dr. Klas Lindfors

The Nano-optics group at the University of Cologne studies light-matter interactions on the nanoscale and develops nanostructures to control the flow of light on the subwavelength scale for future optoelectronics. Our work aims to harvest the advances of nano-optics for novel approaches in for example optical telecommunications and optical sensing. We offer the opportunity to combine fundamental understanding of light and light-matter interactions on the nanoscale with practical applications for increased well-being.

Application documents: Motivation letter, CV, publication list
Application Deadline: 31 July 2024
Link to Euraxess website


EUniWell Thematic Arena: Health and Well-Being + Social Equality and Well-Being + Environmental Change and Well-Being
Euraxess Research Area: Life Sciences + Other: Public Health/Health Services

Institut für Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen

Prof. Dr. med. Nicole Skoetz

The Institute of Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cologne, directed by Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Nicole Skoetz, is the first Institute of Public Health in Germany. In various research projects, the institute's interdisciplinary team addresses issues relevant to population medicine that cover topics between infectiology, health communication and health promotion using evidence-based approaches. This variety of projects builds upon the previous scientific work by Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Skoetz, which includes both qualitative and quantitative research approaches, with a focus on epidemiological issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the development of guidelines, predictive models, and scores. 

The Institute of Public Health cooperates closely with the Cologne Health Department and offers student teaching for a variety of degree programmes at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cologne. Within the institute Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Skoetz also leads a WHO Collaborating Centre on Evidence Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Cancer Therapies. The institute also focusses on continuously evolving its methodology by maintaining excellent international networks and cooperating with the GRADE Working Group. 

Application documents: Motivation letter (max. 1 DIN A4 page), CV in English or German, certificates most relevant to the fellowship position (e.g. Master's certificate, Doctoral certificate, medical diploma/degree)
Application Deadline: 31 July 2024
Link to Euraxess website


EUniWell Thematic Arena: Health and Well-Being
Euraxess Research Area: Life Sciences

Abteilung für Innere Medizin

Prof. Dr. med. Sven Borchmann

Our goal is to contribute to better outcomes for cancer patients by focusing our research efforts in two main areas. We develop novel immunotherapeutic approaches in hematological cancers and solid tumors and we use liquid biopsies tounderstand the cancer genome and measure treatment response in cancer patients at high resolution.

Our first focus is the development of new immunotherapeutic approaches for lymphomas and solid tumors such as lung cancer. We have shown that certain combinations of immunotherapies have a synergistic effect and lead to responses in tumors that otherwise donot respond to established immunotherapies. Currently, we are developing these combination approaches further, for example, by developing new bispecific antibody constructs. In other projects we are studying drug repurposing for immunotherapy. Here, we researchthe immunotherapeutic effects of well-understood drugs that are already approved for other indications.

Our second focus is the development of liquid biopsies for better molecular characterization and treatment monitoring in hematological cancers and solid tumors. We are particularly interested in Hodgkin lymphoma. In close cooperation with the German HodgkinStudy Group (GHSG) and the International Hodgkin Lymphoma MRD Consortium, we developed a platform that allows us to study patient-individual genetic changes at a high level of detail and to use these as individual biomarkers for the respective patient, similarto a molecular fingerprint. Furthermore, in cooperation with other research groups, we are currently evaluating our liquid biopsy platform in other cancers.

Application documents: Motivation letter, CV, grade transcripts, two references
Application Deadline: 15 August 2024
Link to Euraxess website

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